Completely new Estate and State Systems.Overhauled graphics and map courtesy of EOOQE.Reworked religious mechanics inspired by Dharper's Dei Gratia, revamped completely for MEIOU and Taxes 3.0.Extends the timeline, offering five hundred years of history (1356-1856).Fifteen-hundred new provinces and counting, as well as new nations.and continues to be reworked, to find new ways to improve the gameplay. Almost every aspect of the game has been either reworked or completely redone. It adds over a thousand new provinces and hundreds of new nations to conquer and tax. The second is based on a quote of Benjamin Franklin: "in this world, nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes." We changed the first word from Austria to Mihi, changing the meaning to "it is my destiny to rule the world". Which means Autria Est Imperare Orbi Universo or, in English, "it is Austria's destiny to rule the world".

The former's name is a play on the old Habsburg motto AEIOU. This mod has been formed by the merger of two major EUIII mods: MEIOU created in 2007, and Death & Taxes created in 2011, following the announcement of Europa Universalis IV. Welcome to the Wiki page of MEIOU and Taxes.